Podcast Interviews with Blue Lane VP
Allwyn Sequeira, Vice President of Engineering and Operations
John Furrier's infoTalk™ 3-part podcast interview with Allwyn offers a seasoned perspective on the challenges of patch management and why confidential data is at increasing risk.
15 minutes
Part 1 of 3 (15 minutes)
Part 2 of 3 (15 minutes)
Part 3 of 3 (15 minutes)
The emerging discipline of Web Operations
Alistair Croll, VP Product Management and Co-Founder
In traditional IT environments, silos of domain expertise focus on the atomic elements that perform some kind of business function. These include the client; the WAN/network, the data center, the application cluster, and the back-end systems.
Podcast for this (8 minutes)
Survey Reveals Widespread Inadequacies in Email Outage Prevention
A new study conducted by King Research, and sponsored by Teneros, surveyed 220 IT professionals responsible
for messaging systems in mid-market companies. The goal was to gather data on the activities and products that
IT teams are using to ensure messaging continuity, as well as to investigate key challenges faced by the
individuals responsible for keeping their corporate email up and running. The research suggests that while
most companies are clearly aware of the damage email downtime can do, that knowledge has not yet translated
into increased spending on technology and human resources to prevent downtime, hence, outages are still a
Review Findings

Networks occasionally fail. In addition to providing for the continuity of applications that run in your data center, a comprehensive continuity plan requires a detailed analysis of all aspects of the network, from the network services (transport) to the physical (hardware) tie-in in the data center.
Awareness of the possible effect and cost to the organization of disasters and potential failures is an important first step in continuity planning. What are the potential pitfalls? What would the effects be on our organization? In a given scenario is communication with customers and suppliers still possible?
network continuity educational RESOURCES, WHITEPAPERS, WEBINARS & briefings
Reducing Total Cost to Mitigate (TCM) Using a Patch Proxy: A Guide for IT Managers
John Morency, Transitional Data Services, Inc., provides an IT guide book for The Role of Patch Management in Vulnerability Mitigation. This 5 page overview will provide discussion points and help clarify best practices to consider in your evaluation process. |
Download Whitepaper  |
Independent Testing Services powered by Network Computing Labs
This report validates the PatchPoint System’s ability to manipulate the protocol stream without interrupting user data in the same connection and/or transaction and provides an effective zero-footprint inline mitigation system against exploits. |
Download Whitepaper  |
Why Use Percentiles
Join Fred Dumoulin, Product Manager for Coradiant, for an overview of how Real
User Monitoring combined with Percentile Reporting plays an essential role in an
effective web performance monitoring strategy.
The Case for QoS
What is the best way to implement QoS in conjunction with application acceleration solutions?
Download Whitepaper  |
The Heart of Business Continuity
Understand the challenges, options and issues with mission critical email continuity from an IT viewpoint. |
Download Whitepaper  |
Quality of Experience Monitoring and ITIL: A Governing Force for IT Service Management
Join Dennis Drogseth, VP, Enterprise Management Associates, and Alistair Croll,
VP Product Management, Coradiant
Network Memory
Silver Peak Network Memory uses advanced pattern recognition techniques to reduce data over the WAN. Learn more about this technology and the enormous impact it has on branch office server centralization.
Download Whitepaper  |
Hurwitz & Associates Vantage Point:
"Closing the Vulnerability Gap"
Read why Hurwitz and Associates says: "Blue Lane is creating the best of all worlds in our oh-so imperfect world of contemporary IT." |
Download Whitepaper  |
IDC Product Flash:
Blue Lane Technologies' PatchPoint System Offers a Solution to the "Patch Now or Patch Later" Dilemma
This IDC Flash introduces the Blue Lane Technologies’ PatchPoint System, an interesting inline patch proxy that virtually performs the function of a security patch at a network level, thus lessening the immediacy to install patches to remediate security vulnerabilities associated with enterprise server software.
NETWORK Planning
Management should be informed of the potential organizational loss, and provided a plan to mitigate the potential loss.
Backup network services form a key part of application continuity. The ability to recover from any network failure caused by a disaster or by a failure will depend to a large degree on how much resiliency and backup the organization is willing to forgo.
Services should be reviewed to ensure that an acceptable level of backup recovery is possible. The watchword here is “acceptable”.
Determine which network services, and which applications that the communications links support are:
A quick punch list
Determine what happens in any network failure scenario
Identify the risks to the organization
Determine which facilities can act as backup (traffic for Carrier “A” can be routed to Carrier “B” for example)
Look at specific aspects related to:
Network Design
A continuity plan should include an understanding of all likely failure scenarios and an evaluation of how the available services can work together in the event of a difficulty.
The negative impact to the organization of a failure can be significantly limited by good organizational communication, and by having an appropriate plan for backup communication services in place.